中文 | English |
社工服務-Social Work Section | |
身心障礙者服務 | Services for the Disabled |
入院申請 | Admissions Application |
個案管理服務 | Individual case management service |
場地租借服務 | Facility Rental Services |
參觀服務 | Visit Service |
接待參訪 | Visiting reception |
志願服務 | Volunteerism |
志工管理 | Volunteer management |
志工招募 | Volunteer recruitment |
實習指導 | Practice guidance |
家庭訪視 | Home Visitation |
家庭教育 | Parental Education |
以工代賑 | Workfare Programs |
結合資源 | Combination of resources |
教養服務-Education and Training Section | |
個別教養服務 | Individualized Education Services |
生活重建服務 | Life Rehabilitation Service |
生活自理訓練 | Self Care Training |
啟能服務 | Educational Service |
復健服務 | Rehabilitation Service |
居家復健 | Residential Rehabilitation |
教育訓練 | Educational Training |
長期照護 | Long Term Care |
健康照護 | Health Care |
生活照顧 | Life Care |
喘息服務 | Respite Care Service |
職能發展服務-Vocational Development Section | |
職業訓練 | Vocational Training |
轉銜服務 | Transition Service |
工作性向 | Vocational Aptitudes |
職務再設計 | Job Accommodation |
支持性就業 | Support Employment |
庇護性就業 | Sheltered employment |
職業輔導評量 | Vocational Assessment |
烘焙技能訓練 | Vocational skills training for baking |
農藝技能訓練 | Vocational skills training for agriculture |
餐飲服務技能訓練 | Vocational skills training for dining service |
手工藝技能訓練 | Vocational skills training for handicraft |
醫療保健服務-Health Services Section | |
健康促進 | Health Promotion |
職能治療 | Occupational Therapy |
物理治療 | Physical Therapy |
門診服務 | Clinical Services |
感染防治 | Infection Control |
健康檢查 | Health Examination |
衛生教育 | Health Education |
體適能活動 | Physical Fitness Program |
水上活動 | Water Fitness Program |
功能評估 | Functional Assessment |
易讀 | Easy Read |
輔具服務 | Assistive Technology Services |
預防接種 | Preventive Vaccination |
藥事照護 | Pharmaceutical Care |
院外就醫 | External Medical Care-seeking |
護理照護 | Nursing Care |
營養評估 | Nutritional Assessment |
醫療諮詢 | Medical Consultation |
職業輔導評量 | Vocational Assessment |